Fall 2019 CSCE-221 Data Structures and Algorithms

Lab Sections 501 - 504

How to use PuTTY

PuTTY is a free SSH client on Windows. The download page is https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html


You can download an installer or a portable version


Run putty.exe you installed and enter linux2.cs.tamu.edu or other servers you would like to connect.

Keep other settings as default.

putty login

Click "Open".

When the security alert popped, click "Yes" to add the server to trusted list.

security alert

When prompted for login:, enter your netid.

ssh login

Then your password. Notice there won't be asterisks showed for your password.

ssh pass

Once you successfully logged in, you get a bash shell.

Try something fun from a linux guide.


