Fall 2019 CSCE-221 Data Structures and Algorithms

Lab Sections 501 - 504

Access to CSE servers

Connect to campus

Most cse resources are protected by the firewall. If you are off-campus, you may have to setup TAMU VPN and connect to cs interal network via VPN.

Claim your cse account

If this is your first time to use your cse account, you may need to claim it first.

Access your home directory by File Explorer

Your home directory is stored remotely under Microsoft SMB Protocol.


Open Windows Explorer and type type \\coe-fs.engr.tamu.edu\Ugrads in the address bar.

Login using

Linux/Mac OS

In your file manager or Finder, type smb://coe-fs.engr.tamu.edu/Ugrads in the address bar.

Login using

If you're grad student, use \\coe-fs.engr.tamu.edu\Grads instead.

Shared Linux Systems

There're two shared servers in cs department:

Access your home directory by GUI clients (SFTP)

There're several sftp clients available: FileZilla, WinSCP, etc.

Connect to linux2.cs.tamu.edu via port 22. Login with the same user/pass above.

Access your home directory by Command-line (SFTP)

$sftp netid@linux2.cs.tamu.edu Use your netid passowrd. The commands of sftp, please read the Linux Guide.

On windows, you can use PSFTP

Shell on remote servers (SSH)

$ssh netid@linux2.cs.tamu.edu Use your netid passowrd.

On windows, you can use PUTTY

Known issues

If you got an error message like "No home directory found", do the "Access your home directory by File Explorer" first.








Linux Home Directory Setup (Google Doc)