Fall 2019 CSCE-221 Data Structures and Algorithms

Lab Sections 501 - 504

Course Information

All the course materials are on eCampus. Please refer to eCampus for all lectures, announcements and submissions.


501-504: TR 11:10 AM - 12:25 PM, ZACH 310


501: Thur 08:25 - 09:15 AM, ZACH 584

502: Thur 09:35 - 10:25 AM, ZACH 584

503: Thur 02:35 - 03:25 PM, ZACH 596

504: Thur 03:55 - 04:45 PM, ZACH 596


Prof. Shawn Lupoli

Office: Check Syllabus on eCampus

Email: slupoli@cse.tamu.edu

Teaching Assistant

Zhipei Yan

Office hours: MF 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, EABC 118C (across from The Commons)

Email: email address

Peer Teachers

501: Kyle Coffey, David Mize

502: Branden Klar, Luis Pantin

503: Scott Wilkins

504: David Mize, Branden Klar


Lab Section Requirements

Each lab assignment consists of two parts: the exercise submitted to eCampus, and the survey link (in the same folder of the exercise on eCampus). The two parts are weighted equally in grading, i.e. 50% for each. So dont' forget to do the survey!

Compile your code

  1. Make a folder for each of your exercise
  2. Put everything in the folder
  3. Write a Makefile for your code
  4. Use make or manually use g++ to compile your code
  5. Run your code: ./filename


  1. Make sure your code compiles without errors
  2. Clean all binary files before submission
  3. Store your files (holding the directory structures) in a folder named LabX_UIN_FirstName_LastName/ and compress the folder as LabX_UIN_FirstName_LastName.zip where "X" is lab exercise number. An example is Lab1_999999999_John_Smith.zip
  4. Submit your zip file to the according lab assignment on eCampus
  5. Finish the survey on eCampus

Get Started

Access the linux server of Computer Science Department

Linux command line and some tools

How to use PuTTY

How to install Linux on Windows 10

Use LaTeX in your report

Lab Schedule

Date Week Topic Notes Graded
8/29/2019 Lab1 Makefile - Part 1 Makefile, Parasol
9/05/2019 Lab2 Coding Standards
9/12/2019 Lab3 Asymptotic Analysis of Code Algorithm Complexity
9/19/2019 Lab4 Measuring Time Example, WindowsStopWatch (Dr. Schaefer)
9/26/2019 Lab5 Midterm Review
10/3/2019 Lab6 Sorting Sorting and Selection (Dr. Schaefer)
10/10/2019 Lab7 Valgrind fixMem.cpp
10/17/2019 Lab8 Quickselect Exercise, Sorting and Selection (Dr. Schaefer)
10/24/2019 Lab9 Makefile2 Example
10/31/2019 Lab10 Exam 2 Review
11/7/2019 Lab11 2-3 Tree 2-3Trees (Dr. Jianer Chen)
11/14/2019 Lab12 Hashing Exercise
11/21/2019 Lab13 Topological Sorting Exercise
12/3/2019 Lab14 Maximum Flow Example, Exercise


Goodrich, M.T., Tamassia, R. and Mount, D.M., 2011. Data structures and algorithms in C++. John Wiley & Sons.
